ENGAGEMENT CLOSED - Preconsultation to inform the production of the draft PHA Corporate plan - Deadline 3 December

Preconsultation to inform the production of the draft PHA Corporate plan - Deadline 3 December - THIS IS NOW CLOSED


The PHA is currently collating responses from external stakeholders, groups and individuals, who may work directly or indirectly with the PHA, to several questions that will help inform the development of our longer term Corporate plan. The question template is attached below this message.

Responses from the preconsultation will help inform the production of the draft Corporate plan. Once the draft Corporate plan has been approved by the PHA board for formal consultation you will have a further opportunity to comment. Formal consultation will take place between 24 January and 15 April.

If you wish to contribute to this preconsultation stage please send your completed preconsultation response form to Sean Gallagher at sean.gallagher@beeches.hscni.net no later than Friday 3 December.