Contracts awarded


Tender number Details Provider Amount

Tender No: 4352378

Name of Contract:  Community Based Psychological Intervention and Support Services for People who Self-Harm including support for their Family / Carer / Support Person

Organisations awarded:

  • Lot 1 – Belfast (ASCERT
  • Lot 2 – Northern ASCERT)
  • Lot 3 – South (Inspire Well-being)
  • Lot 4 – South East (Inspire Well-being)
  • Lot 5 – Western (Zest Healing the Hurt)

Contract Duration:

  • 1 Nov 2024 – 31 Oct 2027 (initially)
  • with provision for 4 x 12 month extension period options.


  • Based on sessional hourly rate
PHA Based on sessional hourly rate

Tender Number:  4955117

Name of contract: Provision of a Regional Service User Network for Adult Service Users and Service User Groups in Northern Ireland (Substance Use Services)

Organisations awarded:

Action on Substances through Community Education and Related Training (ASCERT).

Contract Duration:

1st April 2024 – to 31st March 2027

With the provision to extend by further periods of up to

4 x 12 month extension periods

PHA Up to £105,000 per annum

Tender No: 4496888

Name of Contract:
Early Intervention Support Service for families and children aged 0-18 years

Organisations Awarded:
Lot 1 – NIACRO                                             
Lot 2 – Barnardos                                             
Lot 3 – Barnardos                                             
Lot 4 – NIACRO                                              
Lot 5 – Action for Children Services Ltd

Contract Duration:
1 Oct 23 – 30 Sept 28 with the provision to extend by further 2 x 12 months


PHA Up to £165k per annum, per lot

Tender No: 4339422

Name of Contract:
Bereaved by Suicide Co-ordination, Facilitation and Development Project

Organisations Awarded:
Developing Healthy Communities Ltd

Contract Duration:
1 Jan 2023 – 31 Dec 25 with the provision to extend by further 4 x 12 months

PHA Up to £50k per annum

Tender No: 3870678

Name of Contract:
Relationship and Sexuality Education in the Community across NI

Organisations Awarded:
Lot 1: Common Youth Ltd
Lot 2: Relate NI
Lot 3: ACET

Contract Duration:  
1 April 2022 – 31 March 2024 with the provision to extend by a further 2 x 12 months

PHA Up to £91,800 per annum, per Lot