Impact 2012 Awards

Impact 2012 Awards

The Impact 2012 Youth, Sustainability and Environment Awards are now open for entries. These awards, a Northern Ireland Executive Initiative led by the Department of the Environment (DOE) and the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM), celebrate the achievements of young people in helping to improve our economy, our health, our society and our environment. This year the DHSSPS is supporting the Impact 2012 award scheme and there is a category in relation to promoting healthy living and we would encourage young people involved in health promotion related projects to apply.

Have you, or has someone you know, made an impact that deserves to be recognised?  If so, entry is free and this is your chance to showcase work that you’re proud of. Following the success of Impact 2010 there are several new categories with 14 awards up for grabs.

To find out more about all the awards categories and how to enter visit