PHA grants scheme - Southern area

PHA grants scheme - Southern area

The Public Health Agency (Southern Office)  is inviting applications from community/voluntary groups based and working within the five district Council areas of Armagh; Banbridge; Craigavon; Dungannon & South Tyrone and Newry & Mourne for two grants schemes.  The aim of the Public Health Agency is to improve the health and social well being of the population and to reduce inequalities in health.

There are two grant schemes available, each of which will be targeted to address health and social wellbeing among those most in need. Please note applicants can only apply for funding under one of the schemes detailed below.

Scheme 1 - Small grants- the maximum available for any one application under scheme 1 is £1,000
Applications should focus on one of the following:

Giving every child/young person the best start in life - for example supporting parenting initiatives, promoting and supporting breastfeeding;
Ensure a decent standard of living for all - for example addressing food or fuel poverty and maximising income initiatives;
Building sustainable communities - for example community allotments, community gardens, neighbourhood improvement projects;
Making healthier choices easier - for example programmes to promote healthy eating and nutrition, physical activity, obesity prevention, stop smoking initiatives, emotional health and well being initiatives.
Scheme 2 - Community Allotments/Community Gardens - funding available under scheme 2 is £2,000 - £5,000
Applications under scheme two should focus on building sustainable communities through the creation and development of community allotments/community gardens.

Projects must be completed by 31 March 2012.

Application forms and guidance notes for their completion are available to download below or directly from the Southern office of the Public Health Agency at the contact details below.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm on 7 October 2011.

For further information contact:
Joan Porter or Alice Grey
Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Team
Public Health Agency
Tower Hill
Armagh BT61 9DR

Tel: 028 3741 4640 /4557
E-mail: or