Alcohol and Drug Commissioning Framework for Northern Ireland 2013-16


An Alcohol and Drug Commissioning Framework for Northern Ireland 2013-16, Consultation Document has been produced by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency.

Your comments are invited on this document. Additional documents are also provided:
• Cover letter from Mr John Compton and Dr Eddie Rooney
• Consultation Questions
• Signed equality template

Potential respondees are encouraged you consider the questions outlined in the consultation questions document and respond to by 18 April 2013.

Alcohol and Drug Commissioning Framework for Northern Ireland 2013-16 01 March 2013 (3).pdf

Consultation Questions drug and alcohol commissioning framework.pdf

Drug and Alcohol Commissioning Framework Consultation Document.pdf

Signed equality template 11 march.pdf

PHA_HSCB response to Commissioning Framework Consultation.pdf

All other individual responses are attached below as PDF files.


Attachment Size
8. BHSCT.pdf 262.9 KB
24. Liz McShane Independant Researcher.pdf 237.61 KB
48. APPENDIX 1 TOR Regional Trauma Alcohol and Drugs N Ireland Best Practice Forum.pdf 175.03 KB
2. Addiction NI.pdf 240.45 KB
19. DASP Response to Drug and Alcohol Commissioning Framework April 2013 final.pdf 189.91 KB
43. Regional SUN response to CFW.pdf 232.43 KB
Consultation Questions drug and alcohol commissioning framework.pdf 128.88 KB
14. Daisy.pdf 303.67 KB
38. PBNI.pdf 256.72 KB
Ards Borough Council.pdf 5.69 KB
9. BREAKTHRU.pdf 76.47 KB
25. Lundbeck Ltd.pdf 242.23 KB
48. Appendix 2 Trauma Alcohol and Drugs Comorbidity - Report.pdf 1.42 MB
4. The ARC healthy living .pdf 159.21 KB
20. Extern.pdf 279.63 KB
44. SHSCT.pdf 186.1 KB
Drug and Alcohol Commissioning Framework Consultation Document.pdf 2.52 MB
15. Department of Education.pdf 153.79 KB
39. SUN response to CFW.pdf 232.38 KB
10. Carlisle House.pdf 447.18 KB
26. Mental Health & Learning Disability.pdf 213.85 KB
48. TRAUMA Consultation Response.pdf 360.02 KB
5. Ascert.pdf 389.82 KB
21. Gerry McDonald.pdf 157.13 KB
45. Simon Community.pdf 141.44 KB
signed equality template 11 march.pdf 1.12 MB
16. Derry Healthy Cities.pdf 233.23 KB
40. ROYAL COLLEGE OF Psych NI.pdf 240.14 KB
11. Carlisle House Service User Group.pdf 447.93 KB
35. Northlands Response.pdf 271.93 KB
6. Barnardo's NI Consultation Response.pdf 273.48 KB
22. ISF response to Commissioning Framework Consultation - 15 04 13.pdf 240.43 KB
46. South Belfast Partnership Board.pdf 371.54 KB
PHA_HSCB response to Commissioning Framework Consultation.pdf 597.5 KB
17. Drink Think.pdf 235.71 KB
41. SEHSCT.pdf 186.12 KB
12. CHILL.pdf 193.05 KB
36. Omagh District Council.pdf 67.07 KB
51. Western Investing For Health Partnership.pdf 77.8 KB
7. BDACT RESPONSE.pdf 160.87 KB
23. Lisburn YMCA.pdf 251.41 KB
47. TIPSA.pdf 291.14 KB
1. ACENT (NI).pdf 242.92 KB
18. DOT DART.pdf 322.93 KB
42. & 49. SELB and WELB Philomena McDermott.pdf 216.98 KB
Alcohol and Drug Commissioning Framework for Northern Ireland 2013-16 01 March 2013 (3).pdf 151.21 KB
13. CRUN response.pdf 388.9 KB
52. whsct.pdf 409.59 KB