Draft Training Framework

The Public Health Agency invites you to participate in a consultation of the draft Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention Training Framework.   

The Framework has been developed following extensive engagement and consultation events held in 2017 and 2018.

We would recommend the following steps if you would like to participate in the consultation:

  1. Download and read the draft Training Framework (see attachment below)
  2. Answer the questions in the Survey Monkey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BW2CNMW
  3. Submit your survey responses by clicking on the box at the end of the survey

The consultation on the draft training framework has been EXTENDED TO FRIDAY 10th JANUARY 2020

If you have any queries please email: helen.gibson@hscni.net


The Public Health Agency (PHA) Training Framework for Mental Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention (The Framework) is in line with the Protect Life 2 Strategy to: Reduce the suicide rate in Northern Ireland.  It has been developed to provide clarity on the varying steps and types of training available in Northern Ireland and to support knowledge and skills development.  It provides a pathway through the varying steps of training and has been developed to encourage consistency and appropriateness in skills and awareness development.


Attachment Size
Draft training framework - Sept 2019_0.pdf 779.25 KB