NIMACH (Northern Ireland Maternal and Child Health)

NIMACH (Northern Ireland Maternal and Child Health) collects and analyses data in support of Clinical Outcome Review Programmes.

The Clinical Outcome Review Programmes (previously known as confidential enquiries), are designed to help assess the quality of healthcare, and stimulate improvement in safety and effectiveness by systematically enabling clinicians, managers and policy makers to learn from adverse events and other relevant data. The programmes have a key role in supporting local, continuous improvements to service quality.

The Clinical Outcome Review Programmes are commissioned by The Health Care Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England, DHSSPS Northern Ireland, the Health Department of the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. 

Further information related to the programmes may be found on the HQIP website at:

Northern Ireland’s involvement in the national CORPs is commissioned by HQIP on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Services.

Within Northern Ireland, the programmes for maternal, newborn, infant and child health are coordinated via the Northern Ireland Maternal and Child Health Office (NIMACH) which is based within the Public Health Agency.

NIMACH collects and analyses data in support of :

  • Maternal, Newborn and Infant programme: Coordinated by MBRRACE-UK

  • Child Health programme: delivered by NCEPOD in collaboration with  University of Cardiff


Main reports : 

1. Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme

Previous reports - see links below or click here


2. Child Health Programme


Island of Ireland Perinatal Mortality report

NIMACH works collaboratively with National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) in the Republic of Ireland to compare surveillance data and learn more about perinatal mortality across the Island of Ireland as a whole.

The first Island of Ireland Perinatal Mortality report which represents the collaborative efforts of the Northern Ireland Maternal and Child Health (NIMACH) office of the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland and the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) in the Republic of Ireland was published in September 2017.


Contact details :

Heather Reid, Regional Manager
Sinead Magill, Business Manager
Amy Watson, Information Officer
Mary McErlain, Information Officer

NIMACH Regional Office
Public Health Agency - Northern Office
County Hall
182 Galgorm Road
BT42 1QB

Tel: 028 9536 3481