Physical Activity Programme gets the thumbs up from Armagh!

Physical Activity Programme gets the thumbs up from Armagh!

As part of the Physical Activity Referral programme, funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and Armagh City and District Council, a fun-filled day of activities was held on Friday 25 May at Loughgall Country Park, Armagh for people taking part in the programme.

Experts recommend that regular physical activity is important for good health (at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days for adults and older people,  at least 60 minutes every day for school-aged children and at least 3 hours each day for those under 5 years). Being active promotes good mental health by improving mood, reducing anxiety and helping to protect against depression. It helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of developing many diseases including heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and colon cancer.

Angela McComb Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager, PHA, said: “Evidence about the benefits of physical activity is now overwhelming. We would encourage everyone to get active, but for some people this isn’t always easy, especially those who may already have health conditions.

Nigel Cummings, Physical Activity Referral Coordinator with Armagh City and District Council said “The Physical Activity Referral programme helps people living with health conditions including respiratory disorders, diabetes, stroke, neuromuscular disorders and mental health issues, as well as those who are overweight.

“People taking part in the scheme can benefit from physical activity in a safe, friendly and welcoming environment. Activities are tailored to suit their health needs and benefit to their overall health.

“Friday’s event provided a good opportunity for all those attending the programme to be active as a larger group and discuss their experiences.  I would like to congratulate everyone on their success to date and hope that they will all be able to continue to be active to promote and protect their health.”

Individuals are referred to the programme by their GPs and a range of other health professionals. Following referral, they have a one-to-one assessment and discussion with a Physical Activity Referral Co-ordinator and then take part in two sessions each week for eight weeks in a structured programme which is fully supervised by highly qualified exercise professionals.

Further information

Contact the PHA press office on 028 90553663