Shop, Cook and Save – New videos show how you can eat well on a budget

Public Health Dietitians YouTube

The Public Health Dietitians Group (PHDG) has launched a new video series on its YouTube channel ‘Public Health Dietitians’ showing how you can eat well on a budget.  

With the current cost of living crisis putting pressure on many households in Northern Ireland, the ‘Shop, Cook and Save’ series aims to show how you can make healthier choices and save money by batch cooking, saving on your weekly shop, easy cooking for one, and storing and reheating food safely.

The ‘Public Health Dietitians’ channel is a partnership between the PHDG Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency (PHA) and can be found at

Jill Stewart, Public Health Dietitian with the Northern Health and Social Care Trust said: “We are really proud and excited to launch our new ‘Shop, cook and save’ video series on the Public Health Dietitians YouTube channel – we provide a top-quality, reliable and accessible service, and we hope that the public will find these tips useful, particularly those who are looking to save money over the summer but still enjoy healthy meals, at a fraction of the price. We’re also keen to show how people can make the most of their meals by using up leftovers and storing food correctly, which will also reduce food waste.

“PHDG is made up of registered nutritionists and dietitians who are qualified health professionals using the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease to promote health and prevent nutrition-related diseases. The PHDG is passionate about providing the public with nutrition information they can trust. We hope the public will benefit from the series and learn more about how they can make healthier choices whilst on a budget.”

Dr Hannah McCourt, Senior Officer for Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement with PHA added:The PHDG works to equip people to make better food and nutrition choices to improve their health. They support every life stage from babies to older people and everything in between. It’s great to see this new series come to life, especially during the current climate with many families looking to save money as we continue to navigate the cost of living crisis.

“From batch cooking to saving on your weekly shop, the PHDG shares lots of useful tips for eating well on a budget. Small changes can make a huge difference and everyone can benefit from the tips shared within each of the videos.”

Jill Stewart concluded: “Food is an expensive bill for most people, now more than ever before. We know many people may turn to takeaways and ready meals in an attempt to save money, however that is not usually the best option and there are lots of ways you can make healthier choices without any added expense such as batch cooking your meals or storing and reusing leftovers.

“Whether you are cooking for a big family or cooking for yourself, this series offers useful tips to make the most out of your meals and save money. You can also access free healthy recipe videos and nutrition webinars on the channel if you’re looking for some more inspiration to make healthy, tasty meals that are perfect for the whole family to enjoy.”

The new series is available now on the ‘Public Health Dietitians’ YouTube channel which is free and available to access at any time. Subscribe on YouTube at

The PHDG is a group of registered dietitians, nutritionists and support staff who work across Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland and are commissioned by the PHA.