Understanding substance use needs in the Western HSC area
The Public Health Agency (PHA), Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) and the Western Drug and Alcohol Partnership hosted an event on 6 November 2024 in the Waterfoot Hotel, Derry~Londonderry to present the research findings of a western substance use needs assessment.
This research identified local needs within the Western HSC Trust area and regional recommendations to be considered by the Western Drug and Alcohol Partnership, as they continue to work collaboratively across the locality.
The event hosted a number of presentations that highlighted some of the significant developments across the Western HSC Trust including the Western Acquired Brain Disorder Project, the development and implementation of data sharing agreements and campaigns, supporting individuals presenting with mental health and substance use issues through Action Mental Health New Horizons Foyle.
Marianna Donaghey, chair of the Western Drug and Alcohol Partnership thanked all those across the Western Trust area involved in this research and process to date: “This event has enabled a range of agencies to showcase their excellent work within the sector and move forward with hope for improvement within our services to support individuals and families.”
The Western Needs Assessment Research papers are available at: Substance Use Strategy and Implementation Plan | Drugs and Alcohol
For further information about drug and alcohol services in the Western HSC Trust area please visit: Northern Ireland Drugs & Alcohol Services Directory | Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol Services
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L- R
- Deirdre Canavan, Senior Service Manager, DePaul
- Pauline Flannagan, Service Manager, Action Mental Health
- Michelle Doyle, Public Health Nurse for the Homeless, WHSCT
- Jamie Wallace, Head of Service Adult Mental Health, WHSCT
- Joanne Doherty, Health and Wellbeing Improvement Officer, PHA
- Maranna Donaghey, Head of Service PCLS and Specialist Services WHSCT
- Fiona Teague, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement West, PHA
- Julie Hazlett, Social Care Lead Mental Health and Learning Disability, SPPG