Support and guidance for LGBT community

Support and guidance for LGBT community

If you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or unsure of your sexual orientation, there are organisations that can provide support and guidance.

Belfast Pride:
Ireland’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans festival appealing to audiences of over 10,000 people in the summer of each year.

The Rainbow Project:
A health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental and emotional health of gay, bisexual and non-heterosexual men in Northern Ireland. The largest gay organisation in Northern Ireland with centres in Belfast and Londonderry.

Lasi: Lesbian Advocacy Services Initiative
An organisation that works to improve the quality of life and enhance the voices of lesbians and bisexual women and their families.
Committed to identifying and addressing discrimination and oppression to the promotion of social inclusion.


Cara-Friend was established in 1974 to offer extensive voluntary service provision to the LGB community including Gay Helpline, Lesbian Line, counselling, information, community space and social events.

We also run Gay & Lesbian Youth Northern Ireland for those between 14 and 25, Family Ties Project for parents of LGBT people, as well as LGBT training consultation and support services to the education sector and other public authorities.

Call in confidence to access any of our services.

Office – Monday to Friday 10.00am to 5.30pm
Telephone number – 028 9089 0202
Email –

Lesbian Line operates Thursday evenings from 7.30pm to 10.00pm.
Helpline number: 028 9023 8668

Gay Helpline operates Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7.30pm to 10.00pm
Helpline number: 028 9032 2023

Gay and Lesbian Youth Northern Ireland. A relaxed youth setting, specifically for the LGBT community, catering for 14-25 year olds, the youth arm of the Cara-Friend net. GLYNI will support you, your family and friends, to advocate on your behalf by highlighting your needs and interests, and involving YOU in decisions and policy-making that affects your life where your sexual identity is used as a barrier against you.