Walking for Health

Walking for Health is delivered and supported by Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland and is funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA). Walking for Health supports people across Northern Ireland to become more physically active through walking.
The aim of the scheme is to deliver FREE Walk Leader training to anyone aged 18 and over wishing to lead health walks in their local community or workplace. Walk Leaders are vital to the success of many walking programmes and play a significant role in supporting people to become more active, more often. There are over 2,000 trained Walk Leaders across Northern Ireland with a range of open walking groups across each Trust area (see links to HSC websites below which include walking group information).
Feedback from walkers highlights the significant impact of the Walking for Health programme on social and emotional wellbeing, as well as increasing physical activity levels.
At training, Walk Leaders are provided with advice and support on establishing, promoting and delivering a successful walking group. Each Walk Leader is issued with a role description (see below) giving specific details on all aspects of a Walk Leader’s role, including tasks and duties, walk locations, training and support, supervision and accountability. Insurance cover is provided and valid when appropriate paperwork is completed, and a certificate is awarded to all those who attend the full Walk Leader training.
Walking for Health coordinators for each Trust area can be contacted using the details below:
Trust | Name | Website Link | |
Belfast | Ben Hanvey | Ben.Hanvey@belfasttrust.hscni.net | Belfast HSC Trust Area – Local Walking Opportunities | Minding Your Head |
Northern | Nicola Arbuckle | Nicola.Arbuckle@northerntrust.hscni.net | www.northerntrust.hscni.net |
South Eastern | Wendy McDowell | Wendy.McDowell2@setrust.hscni.net | https://setrust.hscni.net/healthy-living/physical-activity/walking-for-health/ |
Southern | Clare Drummy | Clare.Drummy@southerntrust.hscni.net | Physical Activity | Southern Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net) |
Western | Camilla Lowry | Camilla.Lowry@westerntrust.hscni.net | Health and Wellbeing | Western Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net) |