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Title Sort descending Published Date
Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 13 and 14 ( 26 March- 8 April 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 13 and 14 ( 26 March- 8 April 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 3 and 4 (16 -29 January 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 3 and 4 (16 -29 January 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 45 and 46 (7 -20 November 2011)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 45 and 46 (7 -20 November 2011)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 47 and 48 (21 November - 4 December 2011)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 47 and 48 (21 November - 4 December 2011)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 5 and 6 (30 January -12 February 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 5 and 6 (30 January -12 February 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 51 and 52 (19 December - 1 January 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 51 and 52 (19 December - 1 January 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 7 and 8 (13 -26 February 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 7 and 8 (13 -26 February 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 9 and 10 (27 February - 11 March 2012)

Influenza Weekly Surveillance Bulletin, Northern Ireland, Weeks 9 and 10 (27 February - 11 March 2012)

front page 2017

Newsletter of the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme – Issues 14 and 15

Flu poster

Protect them on the inside too (children's flu poster)


Protect yourself this winter

Image showing smiling school children

Protecting your child against flu: Vaccination for your school child (English and translations)

Image showing smiling pre-school children on bicycles wearing helmets

Protecting your child against flu: Vaccination for your toddler or pre-school child (English and translations)

antenatal schedule of appointments

Schedule of antenatal appointments and recommended vaccinations

school vaccinations leaflet

School vaccination clinics and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
