Contracts awarded


Tender number Details Provider Amount

Name of Contract : Provision of Youth Engagement Service for Young People aged 11-25 in NI

Contract Duration: 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2021 (with the possibility of two, twelve month period extensions)

Organisations awarded:

Lot 1 Ballymena - Start 360

Lot 2 Banbridge - Futureproof Inc Ltd

Lot 3 Bangor - Extern

Lot 4 Belfast - Extern

Lot 5 Carrickfergus - Carrickfergus YMCA

Lot 6 Derry/Londonderry - to be retendered

Lot 7 Enniskillen - FUEL

Lot 8 Newry - Magnet YAC

Name of Contract: Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children aged between 0 to 18 years old 

Organisation Awarded:  Lot 1 - NIACRO £152,520

                                   Lot 2 - Action for Children Services Ltd £155,159

                                   Lot 3 - Barnardos £157,216

                                   Lot 4 - NIACRO £152,520

                                   Lot 5 - Action for Children Services Ltd  £155,756                             

Contract Duration: 1 August 2015 - 30 April 2018 (with the option to extend the contract for two further periods of 12 month to 30 April 2020)


Name of Contract: Family Group Conferencing Services for Families and Children between 0 and 18 years old (Framework)

Organisation Awarded: Barnardos

Contract Duration: 1 August 2015 - 30 April 2018 (with the option to extend the framework for two further periods of 12 months to 30 April 2020) 

PHA £11,466 pa

Name of Contract: Strengthening Families and Incredible Years Programmes for Families with Children between 0 and 18 years old (Framework)

Organisations Awarded: 

Strengthening Families Programmes

Lot 1 - ASCERT

Lot 2 - ASCERT

Lot 3 - ASCERT

Lot 4 - ASCERT

Lot 5 - Derry Healthy Cities


Incredible Years Programmes

Lot 6 - Barnardos

Lot 7 - Barnardos

Lot 8 - Barnardos

Lot 10 - Barnardos


Contract Duration: 1 August 2017 - 30 April 2017 (with the option to extend the framework for three further periods of 12 months to 30 April 2020)

PHA £150k pa

1. Name of Contract: Targeted Prevention for Young People and parent/carers

Organisations awarded:  Lot 1 ASCERT         - £  25,000

                                    Lot 2 YMCA             - £227,630

                                     Lot 3 Start 360       - £115,873

                                     Lot 4 ASCERT          - £140,822

                                     Lot 5 ASCERT          - £183,535

Contract duration: 1 October 2015 - 30 September 2017 (with the option to extend the contract for three further periods of 12 months to 30 September 2020)


2.  Name of Contract:  Workforce Development Programmes (Framework)

Organisations Awarded:  Lot 1 ASCERT   £85,346

                                       Lot 1 FASA       £79,004

                                       Lot 1 NWRC      £84,463

                                       Lot 2 ASCERT   £73,944

                                       Lot 3 OiWillo    £13,200

Contract duration: 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2018 (with the option to extend the contract for two further periods of 12 months to 30 June 2020)